The Path.

This is the 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self. While enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, the Life Activation also empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns.

Life Activation

In addition to the activation itself, this session also includes several energy alignments to help you achieve a sense of peace and connection between your mind, body and spirit:

  • Crown Cap Removal

  • Central Core Balancing

  • 16 Lotus Petal Awakening

  • Elemental and Magnetic Line Balancing

  • Chakra Balancing

  • Negative Crystal Removal

  • Brief Reading

The Life Activation is available to anyone! No prerequisite.

Empower Thyself

This course will introduce you to metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings to EMPOWER your life with the secrets of the sages that have been kept hidden throughout history. The Empower Thyself Initiation enters you into the ancient lineage of King Salomon, handed down from teacher to student for 3000 years. This is a powerful lineage with deep metaphysical teachings that have withstood the eons of time. As handed down by an official Guide in the Modern Mystery School, the Adept Initiation brings you 10 times greater empowerment to make the energetic and physical changes you need to reach your full potential.


You will learn about how your own energy system works, how the Hierarchy of Light and heaven is structured, how to work with the Archangels and Angels to guide your life, as well as sacred tools such as rituals, meditations and prayer. Learn to work with energy to manifest the life you truly want to live! This is a two-day program, and its completion is marked with a sacred initiation ceremony.

Benefits of the Empower Thyself Program and Initiation:

  • The empowerment of 10 times more Light energy to direct toward your goals, dreams and desires in life

  • Receive ancient tools and sacred rituals that initiates have used for thousands of years to awaken their divinity and align themselves with their true purpose

  • Greater awareness and connectivity to your own intuition and inner guidance

  • Access to hidden secrets of the mysteries of the universe

  • Unlock the answers within yourself to questions such as, Who am I? Why am I here?

  • Capability to grow your chi and protect your own personal energy field

  • Permission to work with Angels and Light beings in a deeper way

  • Permanently align your personal will power to flow in alignment with the will of God, Nature and the Universe

  • Create a foundation of positive Light energy for you to more easily handle the challenges and obstacles that come up in life

  • Ability to access further training in the Modern Mystery School, including higher initiations and deeper mystery teachings

Full Spirit

While the Life Activation amplifies your personal connection to your higher self, the Full Spirit Activation takes that one step further to increase your connection to your soul. By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, you are switching on the “superhero system” that exists within everyone. This is the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize our own divinity.

 This session involves awakening the Thalamus region, or “the old brain,” the Pituitary and Pineal  glands, which increases the soul’s awareness to the physical experience, thus creating a richer appreciation for this amazing life.

Activating this awareness of the soul to the physical, will:

  • Unblock channels of awareness in the body

  • Enhance the nervous system and sensory interface to the physical

  • Intensify your physical and spiritual senses

  • Fight apathy in the soul

  • Help you feel more ALIVE

  • Boost your connection to life, nature and the people around you

  • Fill you with a sense of JOY

  • Help to provide clarity in your life purpose and path of service

  • Elevate your relationship to divinity and source

  • And so much more…

The Life Activation is required. Receive this session 1-3 months after your Life Activation.